Friday, April 6, 2007

And everything will be fine after this...

Usually, it is in our 10th standard, when we first hear that. It is the most fabulous thing to hear, when you are slogging it out for the 10th Board exams (though I hardly did that!!). It is the light at the end of the tunnel, where we trudge along. The exams go by in a flash, and the ultimate moment is due to arrive!! Only we think so!! :-(

It is again in the 12th standard that we hear those magic words. They fill you with such euphoria that you feel like studying (atleast something!!) just to bask in the pleasure that awaits you after the exams. The exams arrive and depart just like a Mumbai local. And the much-awaited bash fails us again, not unlike Mohammed Kaif.

And at the end of the 4-year-long Engineering degree (which I managed to complete in 4 years!! Phew!!), the same old words start filling the air. And we being strongly allied to such popular misconceptions, again fall in to the trap. We still dont learn from the previous episodes. Even a man with an IQ equal to that of a cheese burger would have done better!!! A job at hand, the degree completed, the farewells long begone, we wait impatiently for the 'ultimate moment'!!!

The job starts with a training, which brings back the by-now-regular words. And do we realise its just an illusion?? Hell, NO!!! We welcome it with our outstretched arms, knowing little that it's never due to arrive!! And then comes a post-graduation, or a certification or more trainings or watever!! But come what may, we still find a cosy feeling whenever we hear the words, wishing it to come true, without giving up!!

And now, I can see you all getting impatient ready to hurl your choicest expletives if I dont say what those words are. And fail I will not.
"This will be the last time you ever need to study hard in your life." (And the title completes the message......)


Mohan said...

Kalakitta bharat. keep going. really enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

hey...nice post bharat!!even i hv felt d same so many times!!but its never ending :-(

- ambika

The Guru said...

S u spoke my mind da. Its the thrill and nervousness that we face before the eleventh hour of exams is really gr8. U speak for ur IIM rite. Worry not. Pass u will with plumage

Bharat Srinivas said...

Thanks for ur encouragement!!

Surprising tat i m able to reflect people's feelings!!Thanks..

thanks keep lookin out for new posts da..

G.Ravilla said...

Hey Bharat you know what man And Everything Will Be Fine After this.... is the magic line that keeps most of our clocks ticking so we choose to be ignorant of what happens After This after all Ignorance is infact the greatest BLISS in this world.

Bharat Srinivas said...

Very true da...Exactly wat I was trying to express!!